
wednesday march 21

today i watched and admired a seeing-eye dog performing its tasks for a few moments. when it eventually walked its blind owner out of sight, i briefly wondered if there were any seeing-eye dogs out there that were smarter than me, but quickly shut down this line of thinking out of fear of what kinds of answers it might yield.


stezzzah said...

What a terrifying thought! I am going to comfort myself with the image of Louis trying to eat from the garbage can earlier this evening. He's no seeing-eye dog though.

JDK said...

One thing misleading about seeing-eye dogs is that they know when to cross the street, e.g. they know when the light changes. They don't know this; they just know when it's safe to cross.

But still. Seeing eye dogs are awesome. I'd want to try one out and see if the dog figures out that I'm not actually blind. The dog probably would.

Dan said...

i'm all too confident there are a number of animals smarter than me. Those gorillas who are making spears, for instance. The future is going to be a dark place, Luke.

luke said...

i'd just like to see any ANIMAL make that "out of sight" pun. that's all i'll say.

Anonymous said...

I did that the other day. I started to contemplate if this sniffer dog I saw at the airport had more know how than I did. But then I saw it mistakenly identify a candy bar as an illegal drug so confidence was somewhat restored.