
monday april 23

today i was trying to get to sleep and it just wasn't working. i decided to resort to the traditional 'counting sheep' strategy, but when i began, i realized that i wasn't quite sure precisely what the right technique was. do i count them as they fly across my line of vision, one by one? or is there just a big herd, and i have to be careful not to count the same one twice? if it's the latter, am i allowed to move them over to one side after they've been counted? these were the types of questions running through my mind when i fell asleep.


Anonymous said...

hahah. the first option i'm pretty sure!

Anonymous said...

hahah. the first option i'm pretty sure!

JDK said...

The time it took you to ponder such methods would've been better spent going to the local store and buying a bottle of nyquil or, failing that, alcohol.

Anonymous said...

haha 'counting sLeep'!

luke said...

oh wow crucial typo. good thing i didn't notice.