
friday may 11

today i went to my local cinema to see the film: spiderman 3. while i was not exactly seeing schnidler's list, and i'm no hardcore stickler for theatre etiquette, a group of girls sitting in the back row of the theatre was so ridiculously loud -- speaking not in whispers or regular voices, but rather "playground voices" to ensure being heard over even the exciting action scenes! -- that i'm 100% positive that, were the gang-mob mentality more acceptable in these parts, they would've been tarred and feathered by film's end.


Dan said...

what's with loud people lately? This is driving me crazy.

Anonymous said...

i remember wanting to decapitate them at one point

Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

I'm a little ashamed to admit: Tammy gets that militant attitude toward Theatre Monkeys from me.

I'm about a thousand times more bugged by people talking in theatres than I should be, and yet there it is. Tammy can tell you stories of me confronting people in that situation, and saying things like, "Does this look like your living room?" and "Would you please shut up?"... and that's during the pre-movie period where they're showing the Trivia Quizzes and ads!

Someday I'm going to be killed in a movie theatre...