
friday january 14

today i was going to the bathroom at a bar when i was stopped by a guy who was on the way to the bathroom himself. "what do you think of her?" he asked me, gesturing at the girl he was with, who was now walking ahead of him. looking to find a tone that was both congratulatory and non-threatening, i replied, "yeah, pretty good, dude." without really acknowledging my response, he asked if he could tell me a joke. i said okay, and he posed the following question: "what's the best sexual position to avoid getting pregnant?" when i said i didn't know, he happily replied, "ask your mom!" although i didn't really get it, i faked a hearty laugh and he looked really pleased with himself when he advised me to tell the joke to my friends.


Anonymous said...

the joke is that he's sleeping with your mom and she isn't pregnant.

it's still not that funny though. :/

Anonymous said...

still dont get it. though a girl called me a 'hilarious genius' before i even told her the punchline in a prank-text, so hey maybe this thing is funny?

Anonymous said...

Luke, don't feed the bros...
