today i woke up to find more than 30 emails in my inbox, a significant increase over the three or four i might typically receive overnight. while the first two of the 30+ messages were standard stuff, the rest - all of which had arrived in the last half-hour and which continued to stream in as i blearily tried to figure out what was going on - were along these lines:

after a few minutes, i realized that - for some reason - an old work-related email address, which still forwarded messages to my primary personal email account, had been used by someone named "asa" to sign up for,, and, all of which are apparently real sites dating sites.
since i never trust the "unsubscribe" button on emails from sites i'm not familiar with, i spent several touch-and-go minutes trying to log into the old work email account (obviously i'd forgotten the password) and was eventually able to get in, change the password, and turn off the forwarding option. it was a relief to stop the emails, but i wish asa all the best in his/her/their search for love.
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